目的:探讨腰椎间盘术后椎间隙感染的病因、临床、诊治及预防等方面的问题。方法:分析11例腰椎间盘术后并发椎间隙感染的临床资料。结果:经30天~139 天,平均75.5天的保守治疗,所有病人均达痊愈。结论:医源性感染和病人抵抗力低下是该并发症最重要的致病因素,长时间顽固性难治性腰痛、活动受限是其主要特点。其诊断主要依赖于临床表现血沉加快,腰椎X线、CT扫描及MRI检查等。强调早期发现和保守治疗。严格遵守无菌原则,合理使用抗生素是预防该病的关键。
Purpose:To investigate the causes,clinical features,diagnosis,treatment and prevention of postoperative intervertebral discitis of the lumbar spine.Methods:11 patients of Secondary Lumbar discitis were analyzed for their clinical materials.Results:All patients recovered from their disorders without disability by means of antibiotics during 30 days to 139 days,mean 75.5 days.Conclusions:The causes of the disorders were iatrogenic infection within the Lumbar disc and fail in health of the patients.All of the patients have to undergone persistent low-back pain for a longtime.The diagnosis depends on clinical manifestations,ESR,radiography,CT scan and MRI.The Keys to prevention of the disease were following the bacteria-free rules and using antibiotics reasonably.
Journal of Practical Orthopaedics