目的 探讨结肠梗阻的诊断和治疗。方法 回顾性分析我院外科自1990 年2 月至1999 年1 月治疗的10 8 例结肠梗阻病例。结果 此组病例中,慢性不全梗阻80 例(74-1% ) ,急性完全梗阻28 例(25-9% );慢性不全梗阻中有79 例(98-8% )为结肠癌引起,急性完全性肠梗阻中结肠癌13 例,占46- 4% ,肠扭转和肠套叠占50 % 。手术切除率93-5 % ,死亡率7.4 % 。结论 结肠梗阻绝大多数为慢性不全肠梗阻,且多因结肠癌引起,在急性完全性肠梗阻病例中,1/2 为结肠癌引起;结肠癌、肠扭转、肠套叠是急性完全性结肠梗阻的主要原因。结肠切除术是解除结肠梗阻的主要方式。
Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of colonic obstruction. Methods 108 cases with colonic obstruction from 2, 1990 to 1, 1999 were analyzed retrospectively. Results Among the 108 patients , chronic partial obstruction occurred in 80(74.1%),acute complete obstruction in 28(25 9%). 98 8 percent of chronic partial obstruction and 46 4 percent of acute complete obstruction were caused by colon cancer, the other causes of acute complete obstruction included volvulus (7 cases ) and intussusception (7 cases ), 93.5 percent of colonic obstruction were resolved by surgical resection and the mortality rate was 7.4 percent. Conclusion Most colonic obstructions are chronic partial obstruction and colon cancer is the main reason. Colon cancer, volvulus and intussusception are the main causes of acute complete colon obstruction. Colon resection is the main choice of treatment.
Colonic obstruction Colon cancer Colonic resection