Improved culture media, HBSV culture media, were used to induce the variation of Helicobacter pylori (H. priori). We found that coecoid H. pylori is easy propagation and reversion to typical form on this medium that is H. pylori culture medium added with 0.5% vitellus and 2% vitulary serum. Threadlike bacteria variation was found on some HBSV media, which cultured over 5 days, and the colonies were not special in shape but bigger than normal. The threadlike H. pylori is 3 to 10 times or over bigger than typical H. pylori, with the body threadlike flexuosity and aniso-thickness. Its cytoderm is absence differently, but can be cultured in normal osmotic pressure media like HBSV and Hp media. The threadlike H. pylori was instability and can reversion to normal H. pylori while they were inoculated for fresh media. The study suggested that H. pylori variation can change from the typical 'S' form to coccoid and to long threadlike and then reversion to normal form. These changes may play a important role in H. pylori infection from environment or other body, or from themselves after treatment.
Helicobacter pylori coccoid long threadlike variation reversion of variation L form of H. pylori