在国际海事界高度关注散货船安全的情况下 ,根据国际海事组织SLF分委会的要求 ,我国代表继续对散货船的储备浮力分布作了调查分析。本文依据该调查分析 ,提出了散货船首部储备浮力的等效面积衡准——对196 6ICLL公约第 38条的修订建议。为满足此项衡准 ,散货船应有适当的首舷弧和首楼。本文还给出了衡准的应用实例。
The safety of bulk carriers has been paid special attention to by international maritime community. China made an investigation in accordance with the instruction by IMO SLF on the reserve buoyancy distribution of bulk carriers. According to the investigation, this paper presents an equivalent area criterion for reserve buoyancy of the forward part of bulk carriers, which is submitted as a recommendation on revision of Reg.38 of ICLL. To satisfy the criterion, bulk carriers, especially those assigned with reduced type B freeboard, may have to be fitted with enclosed forecastle and bow sheer. Instances of application are also presented.
Shanghai Shipbuilding