
鳃金龟科两属属征修订及3新种记述(鞘翅目:金龟总科) 被引量:1

摘要 本文对鳃金龟科的索鳃金龟属Sophrops和黄鳃金龟属Metabolus的属征作了修订,并记述3个新种。 The genera Sophrops and Metabolus were described by Fairmaire in 1887.Thecharacter of which Sophrops distinguished from Metabolus by Fairmaire was the segments ofantennae,10 segment in Sophrops and 9 segment in Metabolus.Authors studied the dataand a lot of chinese specimens of the two genera,especially the morphology of male genitalia,and then revised the characters of the two genera as follows:1.Segments of antennae Antennae is 10 segment in most species and 9 segment in a few species of Sophrops;itis contrary to Metabolus.2.Anterior margin of clypeus In Metabolus,the clypeus is straight or feebly emarginate at anterior margin.InSophrops, it is strongly emarginate and notched in the middle,but in a few species,it ismoderate emarginate.3. Ventral surface of body In Metabolus,the pectus is piliferous and abdomen smooth or pilose.In Sophrops, ventralsurface is almost opaque and pruinose except shiny median area,without pilosity on pectus.4.Male genitalia The form of paramera,in Metabolus, it is almost level forward and equal as the basalpiece or longer than it;dosal surface without suture,ventrally sclerotized.In Sophrops,paramere bending beneath and shorter than the basal piece; dorsal surface with a suture,ventrally unsclerotized.According to the revision,Melabolusrugipennis and M. excisus described by Frey in 1972ought to belong to Sophrops Fairm. 3 new species are described as follows:1.Sophrops longiflabellum, sp. nov.(Fig.1)Body length 11 13mm,width 5.5 6.5mm,brown and weekly nitid. Head dark brown,antennae yellow brown.Head coarse, bearing large and irregular punctures. Clypeusreflexed and strongly emarginate at anterior margin. Antennae 9 segmented,the club aslong as the 1st 6th segments in male and lightly shorter than 1st 6th segments in female.Pronotum width double more than length with large punctures which more scattered thanhead,closed in the middle and scattered in sides. Lateral margins crenatus and with ciliaanteriorly. Front angles near rectangular,hind angles obtuse. Scutellum equilateraltriangular,scatteringly punctured.Elytra almost parallel in sides,densely umbilicatelypunctured,rugous, each with a sutural and two other distinct costae.Pygidium sparselypunctured and plane,with pruinose around and ciliate in the margin. Pectus and abdomenfinely punctured, bare and smooth in the middle, with pruinose in sides,except last twosternites. Front tibiae trident,the middle tooth near apical one,the spurs against the basalone. The 1st segment of hind tarsus as long as the 2nd.Oenitalia as showed in figure 1.It is similar to S. montivaga Moser, but distinguishable by the rather long club in bothsexes and pronotum unrugously punctured.Holotype♂,Shennongjia,Hubei Prov,30 VI 1980.Allotype♀,same data asholotype. Paratypes:1♂,same data as holotype;2♂♂,Xianning,Hubei Prov. 16 VI 1984.2.Metabolus yunnanensis,sp.nov.(Fig. 2)Body miniature,length 8 9.5mm,width 3.5 4.5mm,yellow and nitid,with the headand tursus yellow brown.Head bearing large and dense punctures,with a few of yellowsetae on it.Clypeus reflexed and straight at anterior margin.Antennae 10 segmented,theclub longer than the 2nd 7th segments in male and as long as the 2nd 7th segments infemale. Pronotum with scattered and regular punctures,but a few of specimens with alongitudinal depressed area in the middle and with long yellow hairs in the area. Lateralmargins crenatus and bearing cilia anteriorly, front and hind angles obtuse.Anterior marginwith a few of short cilia. cutellum blunt triangular,scatteringly punctured. Elytra with moredense punctures than pronotum, rugous,each with a sutural and two other distinct costae.Pygidium sparsely punctured, plane,and ciliate in the margin. Pectus and abdomen with longyellow hairs,except in the middle of abdomen. Front tibiae trident,the spurs against the basalone.The 1st segment of hind tarsus a little shorter than the 2nd.Genitalia as showed infigure 2.The species is similar to M.setifrons Moser,but distinguishable by 10 segmentedantennae. Clypeus rather short,lateral margins of pronotum
作者 顾耘 张治良
出处 《华东昆虫学报》 1995年第2期4-10,共7页 Entomological Journal of East China
关键词 金龟总科 鞘翅目 新种记述 Melolonthidae,Saphrops, Metabolus,new species
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