One hundred and twenty-eight cases of peripheral aneurysm were reported. Traumatic pseudoaneursyms (87cases) dominated and aneurysm in lower extremities (68 cases) consisted of most of the cases. Rupture of aneurysm and massive kaemomhage is the most serious complications (22 cases in the report). Therefore, operative treatment should be performed soon after the diagnosis is ascertained. Resteration of normal blood flow should be the aim. Intracystic repairation is indicated in pseudoaneurysm with part of the vascular wall invaded. Artificial graft may be indicated for aneurysm of the middle and large artery, and autovenous graft for the smaler arteries. Aneurysm may be resected if the procedure is easy to perform or there is severe inflammation around the aneurysm. Proper postoperative drainage is important. General heparinization during blockade of local circulation is also important in case of vascular grafting. We concluded that proper selection of operative procedure is essential for better prognosis.