分析了171个中国蒿属植物样品的精油化学成分,鉴定出305个化合物。这些样品代表64个种,其中蒿亚属47种,龙蒿亚属17种。 分析结果表明,这些化合物在两亚属中的分布有一定的规律性。在蒿亚属精油中主要含单萜类和倍半萜类化合物,而在龙蒿亚屑精油中主要含倍半萜类化合物和芳香族化合物。这种分布与中国蒿属植物从较原始到进化划分为7个组的系统分类有一定的相关性,即蒿亚属:莳萝蒿组(单萜类化合物)→艾蒿组(单萜类化合物)→艾组(单萜类化合物)→腺毛蒿组(单萜类化合物和倍半萜类化合物)→白苞蒿组(倍半萜类化合物)。龙蒿亚属:龙蒿组(倍半萜类化合物和芳香族化合物)→牡蒿组(倍半萜类化合物和芳香族化合物)。
The chemica1 constituents of 171essential oil samples of Artemisia L. in China were analysed and 305 compounds were identified. In the samples analysed , 64 species were included and 47 of which were from the sections of Subgen. Artemisia and the rest were from the sections of Sub gen. Dracomcubre (Bess. ) Peterm.
According to the analyses, there is a regularity for the distribution of these compounds in above two subgenera.
The major constituents of the essential oils from Subgen . Artemisia are monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids, while that from Subgen. Dracumculus (Bess. ) Peterm. are sesquiterpenoids and aromatic compounds. It means that the distribution of chemical constituents is correlated with the classification of Artemisia L. , in which the species from more primitive to advanced can be divid ed into 7 sections as follows.
Subgen. Artemisia: Sect. Absinthium DC. (monoterpenoids) - Sect. Abrotanum Bess. ( monoterpenords ) - Sect. Artemisia (monoterpenoids) - Sect. Viscidipubes Y. R. Ling (monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids)-Sect. Albibractea Y. R. Ling (sesquiterpenoids).
Subgen, Drameulus (Bess. ) Peterm. : Sect. Dracunculus Bess, (sesquiterpenoids and aro matic compounds)-Sect. Latilobus Y. R. Ling (sesquiterpenoids and aromatic compounds).