Alang with the development of modern-ized industries, the metallic dust and its oxidewere used widely so that great attention sho-uld be paid to the biological effects and occu-pational hazards of the metallic dusts to theworkers. The fibrogenic effects of metallicdusts remains a problem in dispute, an invest-igation to focus on the fibrogenic effects ofaluminum oxides, ferrum oxide and hard metaldusts by industrial hygiene and epidemi-ological investigation, clinical examination,experimental studies and human histopathol-ogical observation were done in the recent 5years. The results and conclusions were as foll-ows. The biological effects of three metallic du-sts (aluminum oxide ferrum oxide, hard metal)were investigated. Studies were done on industrial hygiene,epidemiological investigation and clinical exa-mination, animal experiments and autopsystudy, the results shown as follows: Dust concentration and quartz content ofthe three metallic dust (aluminum oxide, ferrumoxide, hard metal) were 4. 6~182. 6, 215~1558and 3. 3~39mg/m^3, and 0.3~0.6, 8. 0 and 1.2~19.7% respectively; the prevalences were3.84%, 4. 84% and 0.64% separately; the lat-ency time were 26.4, 17. 3 and 25. 6 years. Clinical aspects: Symptoms: In 98 patients with pneumo-conioses (aluminum oxide: 51, ferrum oxide: 39,hard metal: 8), cough, expectoration, short-ness of breathe and stuffiness sensation in thechest, usually developped. X-ray appearance:irregular small opacities in aluminum oxideand hard metal pneumoconioses and roundedsmall opacities in ferrum oxide pneumo-conioses involving the middle and lower zonesand then the upper zones, profusion 1~2grade. without large shadow or pleural plaquesin all cases, some of them showed emphyze-matous signs. None of the patients werecomplicated pneumoconioses. Animal experiments in vivo 50, 80, 100 mg/rat intratracheally instillation, lung dry we-ight and collagen content in experimental gr-oups were evidently higher than control gro-up. Reticular and collagenic fibers were seenin the lung interstitial tissue; in vitro, survi-val rate of macrophages more reduced than control group. LDH in incubation fluid andhematolytic rate were higher than controlgroup. Autopsic study: The human pathologicalstudy was done in 2 cases of aluminum oxidepneumoconiosis and 3 cases of ferrum oxidepneumoconiosis. The histopathological featureis dust macular type. Etiological dust identified: aluminum oxi-de Al, Fe, Mn and so on were identified inthe lung tissue by Atomic absorption spectro-photometer, EDXA, X-ray difraction,The me-tal dust in lung tissue of workers exposed tothose metal dusts were higher than that ofunexposed (for example, ferrum oxide increaced10~100 fold). The content of quartz dust wassomewhat similar to that of unexposed work-ers and lower than that of patients with silic-osis or silicatosis Besides γ-aluminum oxidedust has the fibrogenic effect, the α-aluminumoxide dust (for example, brown corundum)also has mild fibrogenic effect in aluminiumoxied pneumoconiosis; ferrum oxide and Mn fo-und in lung tissue of ferrum oxide pneumoconi-osis,tungsten carbide takes effect in combinati-on with cobalt in hard metal pneumoconiosis,the effect of quartz have not been proven inall cases. The new notions about the fibrogenic eff-ect of these three metallic dusts were the firstreport in the literatere. It has to break throu-gh in the level of understanding of the me-tallic pneumoconioses and it will certainly en-lighten deeply study on fibrogenic effect ofmetallic dusts, and could provide more usefulinformation for setting up the hygienic standa-rds and diagnostic criteria of pneumoconioses.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine