

The Sandarization Study on Methods of Determination for Toxic Substances and Metabolites in Biological Materials
摘要 在职业病防治工作中,生物监测近年来得到很大的重视。工人接触化学毒物的程度,除了测定环境空气中毒物的浓度(外接触剂量)外,测定毒物进入机体后,体液中毒物及代谢物的浓度有着重要意义。人体生物材料中毒物或代谢物的浓度(内接触剂量)可以朴充外接触剂量的不足,它可以反映十体的差异,并且可以对毒物的代谢、吸收、蓄积和排泄做出直接的评价,为研究生产环境与健康的影响所必下可少的手段。 Ⅰ. Great attention has been paid to biolog-ical monitoring in occupational health workin recent years. It is essential to establish pr-oper analytical method of biological meterialsfor conducting biological monitoring work. A set of methods of biological monitoringwhich was accurate, reliable, fullfilled thedemands of industrial hygiene, fitted with thecondition of our country were used. It inclu-ded: urine lead (4 methods); blood lead (2)urine δ-ALA; red cell FEP; urine mercury(3); urine arsenic (2); urine fluoride; urinecadmium (3); blood cadmium; urine chromi-um (2); blood chromium; urine nickel (2);blood nickel; urine vanadium (2); urine beryl-lium; carboxyhemoglobin; urine thiocyan-ate; expired air carbon disulfide; urine TTCA;urine selenium; expired air benzene; urinephenol (3); urine hippurie acid and met-hyl hippuric acid (3); urine phenylglyoxylicacid and phenylglyoxalic acid; urine p-amino-phenol (2); urine p-nitrophenol (2); urineTDGA; urine trichloroacetic acid; urine pen-tachlorophenol (2); urine TNT metabolites;urine methanol; urine p-chloro-o-toluidine (2)blood choline esterase activity (2); furandanand metabolites. ---56 methods for 37 monito-ring indices of 28 toxic substances. From thevery begining of this program, a 'Investigationcritoria' was established and further revised 4times after full discussions. The conients ofthe criteria included; (1) The technical approaches must beselected in comparison with standard methodsor published methods. (2) The sensitivity must meet the regui-remants of hygiene,it can analyze the concen-trations in 0.2~2 times of BEI. Can deter-mine the concentration of non exposed personprefered. (3) Optimization of each step of analysisrequired. Instruments and reagents must fit to the practical condition.(4) The way and target for accuracyprovided.(5) The stability of sample was gener-ally 2 weeks.(6) The methods must be examined byother lab. and must be used in field. This criteria guaranteed the quality ofthis set of biological monitoring methods. The set of biological monitoring methodswill be recommended as the National StandardMethods. Also it will be compiled as 9 hand-book and will be published at the end of 1991. Ⅱ. Studies on the production of lyophili-zed human urine (Trace Metals) certified re-ference material The preparation of the lyophilized humanurine certified reference material (CRM) wasestablished on the basis of literatures in othercountries and domestic conditions. The homo-geneity and stability of the CRM in accord-ance with the stipulations. The certified valuesare determined by 14 high level laboratories inChina using 9 methods with different princi-ples and have been examined by NIOSH usingICP-MS. This CRM has been approved as fir-st grade national reference material, whichhas serial numbers of GBW 09102 and GBW09103. It can be used in quality control of rou-tine analysis, test of new methods, and usedas standard material for calibration of analyti-cal instruments and certified reference materialfor quantity transmission and analysis arbitra-tion.
作者 线引林
出处 《中国工业医学杂志》 CAS 1991年第2期42-45,共4页 Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine
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