
车间空气中有毒物质监测规范的研究 被引量:2

Studies on the Technical Norms for Monitoring Toxic Substances in Workplace Air
摘要 1980年出版的《车间空气监测检验方法》第一版,其中包括102项有毒物质,130个方法;1987年第二版中包括124项有毒物质,179个方法;常见的有毒物质基本上都有了监测方法,方法的水平也有了一定的提高。随着工农业生产的发展,新的有毒物质品种也不断增加,为了加快监测方法的研究,使监测方法更加可靠,于1986年10月由中国预防医学科学院劳动卫生与职业病研究所同国内有关单位协作,承担了《车间空气中有毒物质监测规范的研究》“七·五”攻关。 Since the organization of the collaborativestudy group for sampling and analysis of toxicsubstances in workplace air in 1975, a numberof methods have been successfully developedand a book named 'Analysis of Air Pollutantsin the Workplace' was written and publishedby the People's Medical Publishing House in1980. It contained 102 toxic substances with130 analytical methods. The 2nd edition waspublished in 1987, 124 toxic substances with 179 methods were collected in this edition. Theobjectitve of this project was to develop a setof technical norms for monitoring toxic subs-tances in workplace air. These include perfor-mance specifications for monitoring methodsdevelopment, testing protocols and evaluationcriteria were also included; sampling strategyfor the field evaluation; Analytical quality con-trol and Proficiency Analytical Testing Pro-gram in different laboratories. Specifications,protocols, and criteria should also be evaluatedwith 41 new toxic substances to assure theirflexibility and applicability with all other toxicsubstances. In the performance specifications for mon-itoring methods development, several differentfactors have been identified as necessary fortesting in the laboratory and field evaluation.These include selection of sampling filters orsolid adsorbents, sampling efficiency, storagestability of the samples, elution or desorptionefficiency, effect of known interferences, pre-cision and detection limit of the method. Occupational exposure sampling strategyis a general guide for the field evaluation, in-cluding selection of sampling points, time ofsampling, sampling duration and so on. The performance specifications for monito-ring methods development and occupationalexposure sampling strategy were collected in the3rd edition of the book mentioned above. It waspublished in 1990, contained 168 toxic substa-nces with 203 analytical methods. The majori-ty of the methods that concerns the key pro-ject were collected in this edition. Transfer of standard gases for calibrationand Proficiency Analytical Testing Programare important technique for analytical qualitycontrol, there were great advances during lastfour years. Standard charcoal tubes of benze-ne, toluene and xylene were transfered to 13participating laboratories of PAT Program todetermine the analytical competence of them.According to the data reported, benzene andtoluene in charcoal tubes were quantitativelyrecovered, whlie xylene, over 90% were reco-vered.
作者 杭世平
出处 《中国工业医学杂志》 CAS 1991年第2期46-49,共4页 Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine
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