The first group consisted of 8 asthmapatients induced by EDA, the second were5 common asthma patients, and the thirdalso had 5 people used as normal control. Non-specific provocation test was carried outin 5 subjects of EDA asthma. Two of themshowed slight reaction, there had moderatesreaction. Specific provocation test (SPT) waperformed in 8 cases of EDA asthma with0.1% EDA. All showed positive responses.7 of them were late type response, anotherwas a dual response, while common asthmaand normal control groups showed negativeresponses in BPT. Total complement, histam-ine and eosinophil counts were investigatedprior to and after the test. Eosinophil countswere increased in EDA asthma group, (P<0.05), and had significant difference withthe other two groups, (P<0.01). Histaminein EDA group was also increased after thetest. The difference was significant (P<0.05). There were no significant changesin the other two groups (P>0.05). Totalcomplement in EDA group had no significantchange. 4 patients in EDA group showedpositive results in the skin-prick test, andone of the common asthma group showed po-sitive result as well, who had a history oftaking aminophylline. The positive results ofthe skin-pride test indicated that there wereantibodies of EDA-BSA. ELISA analysis pro-ved that 3 of the EDA asthma group possessedspecific IgG antibodies, while in the other 2groups, specific IgG was not found. SpecificIgE antibodieswere not found in EDA asthmagroup. Being the first report in the literature.This study suggests that the pathogenesis of some EDA. late type asthma might be animmunologic response mediated by IgG.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine