To attempt to assess the hazard of expo-sure to grain dust, a study was made includinga sucvey of labour hygiene and respiratoryabnormalities in grain elevator workers. The results indicated that all dust samples exceededthe MAC in this oountry, the free silica con-tent of the samples of settled dust from eleva-tor was found to be over 10%. 61.47% of grainworkers complained of one or more respira-tory symptoms on exposure to grain dust. Theincidence of chronic bronchitis was 30.50% ofgrain workers who smoked and 22.45% ofnonsmokers. 15.61% of the workers had hadepisodes of grain fever. The frequency of ab-normal lung function for FVC, V_(75), V_(50),and V_(25) was greater among grain workersthan control group. The incidence of abnormallung function increases with increasing dura-tion of exposure to grain dust. For the acuteeffect on lung function, however the workersexposed to grain dust under 10 years showedmore changes than those with longer expo-sure. No significant changes compalible withthe diagnosis of pneumoconiosis were found inany of the chest films of the grain workers.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine