Among 199 workers, 104(52.3%)developedcontact dermatitis at the lateral surface ofthe right knee by direct contact to rubbercover of imported sewing machine. The dermatitis occurred after exposure for1--3 weeks, and essentially limited at the late-ral surface of the right knee, and may spreadto the leg in severe cases. The patients had atypical lesion of contact dermatitis with severeitching. Discontinuing the exposure plus symp-tomatic treatment mitigated the dermatitis. Re-exposure triggered the recurrence of dermatitisand made it difficult to heal. Patch tests were taken in 48 patients and13 'healthy' exposurers. Forty-two patients(87.6%) reacted positively to 1~6 kinds ofpatch test material, among which mostly tothe surface layer of the rubber cover (83.3%),followed by 0.5% antioxidant IPPD and 0.5~1% antioxidant TMDQ (47.9 %). The reac-tion, especially of TMDQ, which spread overthe patch, was strong. However, among 13 'healthy' exposures,38.5% reacted to 1% TMDQ, 15.4% to therubber cover, and 15.4% to 0.5% IPPD, indi-cating the existence of potential hypersensiti-vity and irritation.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine