1The MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences, The MIT press, 1999, preface.
2B. Eckardt, "The Empirical Naivete of the Current Philosophical Conception of FP", In M. Carrier etel (ed),Mindscapes: Philosophy, Science and the Mind. The University of Pittsburgh press, 1997, p. 23 - 90.
3P. M. Churchland. "Eliminative Materialism and the Propositional Attitudes", The Journal of Philosophy, 781981, pp. 69-90.
4D. Davidson, Essays on Actions and Events , Clarendon press, 1980, pp. 3- 19.
5T. HorganandJ. Woodwards, " FP is here to stay" , PhilosophicalReview, XCIV, No. 2 1985. 4.