《水浒传》中的梁山武装与祝家庄、曾头市武装可能有着共同的历史渊源——宋代乡社民兵。双方的素材来源也是一致的,同取自洞庭湖钟相、杨幺起义史实。这种民兵、“盗贼” 同构现象,真实传达了封建乱世“官逼民反”的历史信息,也揭示了乱世百姓的生存状态及悲剧命运。
There was a common historical origin of the armed force of Liangshan M4n and Zhu' s Manor 'or Market of Zengtou , that is , the village militiamen in the Song Dynasty The source of material concerning these two cliques unanimously came from the historical facts of the revolts led by Zhong Xiang and Yang Yao on the Lake of Dongting. The Homogeny of militiamen and 'pirates' indeed revealed the historical information of 'misgovernment making the people rebel' in the troubled times of Chinese feudal society , and exposed the existential state and tragic destiny of the people in that time.