Low temperature is an important environmen-tal factor that limits the productivity and dis-tribution of plant. The ability to cold acclima-tion is a common adaptive response in plantsnative in temperate regions and results in en-hancing tolerance to chilling stress. In presentstudy the seedlings of Tesanai 2 were grown at28±1℃ and under a photo flux density (PFD)of 30μmol/m~2s for 8 d. The cold acclimationresponse is triggered by 14℃ under a PFD of75 μmol/m~2s for 3 d. Rice seedlings for cold-hardening were germinated from seeds treatedwith or without immersion in 30 mmol/L ofCaClsolution. Change of membrane systemprotection in leaves at various periods(viz:fol-lowing cold-hardening, chilling stress and onthe 3rd day of recovery), the ratio of survival