
未登记船舶所有权转移的效力 被引量:1

On the Validity of Unregistered Transference of Ownership of Ships
摘要 Unregistered transference of ownership of ships has binding effect on the parties. As soon as the ship is delivered, the trans-ference of ownership of the ship comes into effect between the parties;the parties should not take it as a reason that the trans-ference of the ownership of the ship hasn’t been registered so the transference of the ownership of the ship has no effect to act a-gainst the claim of right of third party.Unregistered transference of ownership of ships has binding effect on third parties who know the fact Qf case and who aban-don the right of defense conferred by Article 9 of CMC.The Regulation of Registration of Ship should be perfected.The concept of ship under registration should be drawn into the Regulation and the status of the ship under registration should be stipulated in the Regulation. The bulletin about the ship un-der registration should be published regularly. Unregistered transference of ownership of ships has binding effect on the parties. As soon as the ship is delivered, the trans-ference of ownership of the ship comes into effect between the parties;the parties should not take it as a reason that the trans-ference of the ownership of the ship hasn't been registered so the transference of the ownership of the ship has no effect to act a-gainst the claim of right of third party.Unregistered transference of ownership of ships has binding effect on third parties who know the fact Qf case and who aban-don the right of defense conferred by Article 9 of CMC.The Regulation of Registration of Ship should be perfected.The concept of ship under registration should be drawn into the Regulation and the status of the ship under registration should be stipulated in the Regulation. The bulletin about the ship un-der registration should be published regularly.
作者 张鸿午
机构地区 大连海事法院
出处 《中国海商法年刊》 1997年第1期12-22,共11页 Annual of China Maritime Law
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