Let(E,H,μ)be an abstract Wiener spacein the sense of L.Gross.It is proved that if u is a measurable map from E to H such that u∈W 2.1(H,μ)and there exists a constantα,0<α<1,such that either∑n‖D nu(w)‖2 Hα2 a.s.or‖u(w+h)-u(w)‖Hα‖h‖H a.s.for every h∈H and E exp108(1-α)2∑‖D n u‖H)<∞,then the measureμT-1 is equivalent toμ,where T(w)=w+u(w)for w∈E.And the explicit expression of the Radon-Nikodym derivative(cf.Theorem 2.1)is given.
Let(E,H,μ)be an abstract Wiener spacein the sense of L.Gross.It is proved that if u is a measurable map from E to H such that u∈W 2.1(H,μ)and there exists a constantα,0<α<1,such that either∑n‖D nu(w)‖2 Hα2 a.s.or‖u(w+h)-u(w)‖Hα‖h‖H a.s.for every h∈H and E exp108(1-α)2∑‖D n u‖H)<∞,then the measureμT-1 is equivalent toμ,where T(w)=w+u(w)for w∈E.And the explicit expression of the Radon-Nikodym derivative(cf.Theorem 2.1)is given.