
水蒸汽非灰辐射光谱吸收系数 被引量:6

Non-gray Radiative Spectral Absorption Coefficient of Water Vapor
摘要 辐射显著影响燃烧的化学动力学和火焰结构。火焰燃烧辐射传输问题的计算 ,需要考虑气体辐射的非灰特性。辐射传输方程微分方法的近似解通常以吸收系数为基本参数。基于此 ,研究了总压 0 .1MPa,分压 0 .0~ 0 .1MPa,压力行程 0 .0 1~ 1.0 MPa· m,温度 30 0~ 2 5 0 0 K水蒸汽的光谱辐射特性。由 Edwards指数宽波带模型进一步简化 ,得到了计算水蒸汽各个谱带辐射特性参数 ,包括谱带光谱吸收系数 ,谱带上。 Thermal radiation has a remarkable influence on chemical dynamics of combustion and structure of flame since it affects directly on temperature. The non-gray property of gas radiation must be considered when the radiation energy transport of flame combustion is calculated. In approximate calculation of radiation transport differential equation absorption coefficient is a fundamental parameter. Based on this, when the total pressure is 0.1 MPa, spectral radiative properties of water vapor are investigated in a gas temperature range of 300 K-2500 K, a pressure path length range of 0.01-1.0 MPa&middotm and partial pressure range of 0.0-0.1 MPa. By simplifying the Edwards exponential wide-band model, spectral parameters of bands radiative properties (including band spectral absorption coefficient, upper and lower band limits) are obtained.
出处 《燃烧科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 2001年第4期256-260,共5页 Journal of Combustion Science and Technology
基金 国防科技预研基金资助项目 (99J3.4.1 HT0 1 0 9)
关键词 非灰体辐射 水蒸汽 谱带光谱吸收系数 Computer simulation Heat radiation Light absorption Mathematical models
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