The purpose of regional development planning lies in the coordinated development of resources exploitation and environmental construction. In Tarim River drainage area there are positive factors, such as abundant resources, great potential for land resources exploitation, extensive prospects of oil resource, etc. , as well as restrictive conditions including imbalance of water and soil resources, slow development of social economy, backwardness of science and technology, poor traffic conditions and serious ecological problems, etc. To combine the advantages and disadvantages with the demand of the development of TRDA in Xinjiang, the Development Transferring Modeb is chosen as the strategic model for the regional development.To solve the ecological environmental problems of TRDA, the present ecological envirornment must be prevented from'deteriorating, and the present vegetation must be protected from dec.reasing, at least the present 3000 square kilometers of forest, 11130 square kilometers of natural bushes, 9000 square kilometers of natural grassland, and a total area of 21 680 square kilometers of vegetation should be maintained. Furthermore, the vegetation of the lower reach 'green corridor' will be restored and improved (395.6 square kilometers in all). To fulfil these targets, the irrigation, especially in the lower reaches, the reforestation and the formulation of correspondent policies and regulations must be guaranteed.
China Population,Resources and Environment
the Tarim River drainage area
regional development
environment countermeasures