为总结上海市实施继续医学教育 3年来的经验与不足 ,探讨继续医学教育发展的方向 ,我们于 1999年初在全市随机抽取三级、二级和一级医院共 30所 ,开展了继续医学教育的现况调查。调查看到 :继续医学教育工作的实施已为大家所认可 ,现行的规章制度是可行的 ,但还存在一些问题 ,主要有 :①条块分割 ,组织与管理不统一 ;②项目设立需重实效 ;③尚需完善学分考核制度 ;④项目收费尚需规范化 ;⑤效果评估尚无有效标准。
To sum up experience in the conduction of CME in Shanghai in the past three years and to explore the orientation of CME development, in early 1999 we investigated via random sampling the current situation of CME in 30 third tier, second tier and first tier hospitals. The results indicate that work in CME has received general approval and the existing rules and regulations are feasible. Yet there are also some problems, including mainly ①lack of links among departments and regions and of unity between organization and management; ②insufficient stress on practical results in program establishment; ③imperfection of the credit and examination system; ④lack of standardization in charges for various programs; ⑤lack of effective standards in evaluating results. Solutions are then put forward with regard to the above problems.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration