危重病医学是在60年代末逐步兴起的临床学科。但目前对这一学科是否作为独立学科存在争议,作为教委的学科系列也未单独列出。但作者从学科角度论述了危重病学科的服务对象和学科发展现状。同时对ICU的组织结构与编制形式进行阐述,指出ICU的结构分3个主体;等级划为Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级。我国除少数医院的 ICU达到 Ⅱ级水平外,多数处于Ⅰ级或不到Ⅰ级的水平。最后介绍了ICU的管理方式有:开放式、半开放式、封闭式3种。
The medicine of critical disease is a clinical discipline that gradually sprang up in the late 1960s. Yet at present controversy still hats as to whether the discipline should be regarded as a separate one and it has not been ranked among the separate disciplines listed by the State Educational Committee. The authors, however, give an account of the customers and the current situation of disciplinary development of the discipline of critical disease ho the perspective of a discighne. They also offer an account of the organizational structure and the form of staff of ICUs, pointing out that ICUs have 3 subjects structurally and are divided into CategoriesⅠ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Except for ICUs in a few hospitals that are up to the level of Category n, ICUs in most hospitels in China are lower than or just up to the level of CategoryⅠ. ho the authorss give an introduction to the ho formsn of ICU management open, semi-open ed-cpc ana closed.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration