Nowadays the whole world is in an era of turning from industry economy to knowledge economy. Knowledge is coming to be a more impor-tant factor contrasting with capital, labor, land, raw and processed materi-als. The phrase 'knowledge economy' summarizes the latest character and developing tendency felicitously. It' s out of question that China' s develop-ment cannot apart from this background. But as we all know that our coun-try is with vast territory, the economy in different areas is quite different from one another. Since many things are diametrically different, for exam-ple, productivity, economic structure, citizen's income, infrastructure, educational level, industry and agriculture basis, capital and technology strength, system construction, etc, knowledge economy's effect will surely be quite different accordingly. Hence the disparity will possibly be greater and greater between developed and undeveloped areas. It is in urgent need to study on knowledge economy effects differently on various areas. In con-sideration of this, the thesis analyzes detailed effects of knowledge economy on regional economy, and proposes some suggestion on strategy and con-crete measure for different areas in the knowledge economic tide. I hold a negative attitude towards rigid uniformity, and suggest holding flexible measures to different areas. I do hope that I can do something for coordi-nated development of regional economy.