此文根据船岸通信的实际情况,从协议的角度分析了船舶PC机接入 INTERNET以及实现远程监控、船岸协作及数据交换的可行性。分析了无线传输的特点并给出了基于 Solectek公司的 SkyWay系列无线网桥/路由器的两种接入方案。
According to current circumstance of communications between shore-base and ships, this paper analysed the feasibility of PC on board access the Internet to achieve the purpose of remote moni- tor, cooperation between shore-base and ships as well as data exchange from the Point of view of proto- cols. This paper also analysed the characters of wire- less transmission and presented two schemes with the use of bridge/router produced by bolectek Corp.
Marine Technology