我国加入 WTO,有利于国内家电业的发展,但也面临市场拓展的艰难。总体而言,家电市场将趋向科技含量高、时尚化、个性化和品牌化,家电业全面协作竞争的时代已经来临,只要趋利避害,中国家电业的明天会更好。
China’ s entrance into WTO will contribute to the development of China’ s household electrical appliance industry,on the other hand,it will be confronted with the market challenge.In general the household electrical appliance industry will follow the tendency of high technology,fashion,personalization and famous brand.The household electrical appliance industry is facing the era of the overall cooperation and competition.China’ s household electrcal appliance industry is bound to have a promising future as long as advantages are made good use of and disadvantages are eliminated.
Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business