本项研究结果表明 :(1)在塑料大棚内 ,南美斑潜蝇虫道面积百分率与芹菜产量呈负相关 ,而与芹菜产量损失率呈正相关 ,直线回归方程分别为Y =3 36 5 8- 0 0 2 6 75X和Y =2 15 899+ 0 0 8184X ,即虫道面积百分率每增加 1% ,产量减少 0 0 2 6 75kg ,产量损失率增加 0 0 8184%。 (2 )南美斑潜蝇为害大棚芹菜经济阈值数学模型X =14 0 845ln 2 3 15 75L6 8 0 75
The research result show that:(1) the damaged area percentage by Liriomyza Huidobrensis is negatively correlated to the celery yield in plastic house and positively correlated to the rate of yield loss Its straight line regress equations are respectively as follows:y=3 3658-0 02675x and y=2 1589+0 08184x It means that when the pest damaged area percentage increases 1% ,the yield reduces 0 02675kg and the rate of yield loss increases 0 08184%;(2) the threshold model of Liriomyza huidobrensis is x=14 0845ln23 1575L68 075-L
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition