对Internet实现交互式访问的关键是使Internet的Web服务器实现对数据库的访问 .论述了Windows NT在环境下 ,采用IDC ,ASP ,PowerBuilderWebPB技术访问数据库、建立交互式应用的方法及示例 .这些方法及示例均可采用开放数据连接 (ODBC)等数据库接口技术使Internet应用与数据库之间建立连接 ,并在客户(工作站 )
The key to put Internet into interactive access is to put Web's server of Internet into an access to date base.This paper describes how to use IDC,ASP and PowerBuilder WebPB to call on data base and establish interactive application under the environment of WindowsNT,and then,gives their illustration examples.These methods and illustration examples allow to use data base interface techniques such as open data base connection(ODBC) and so on to establish a connection between Internet application and data base,and call on the data base through Web page at customer(work station)'s end.
Journal of Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology