分析了工程网络计划系统工作的功能需求 ,以OO方法建立网络计划系统OOA模型 :包括由类图(ClassDiagram)方式表达系统主要信息的基本模型 ,其中定义了网络计划系统中对象层、特征层和关系层的模型信息 ;由主题图、usecase、交互图表示的补充模型 ,其中对基本模型予以解释 .
This paper analyzes the functional need of the engineering net plan system,and give a module based on OOA,which include one basic module of class diagram to diplict the main information of the system,such as information of obiect layer,character layer and relation one etc.The supply moudule is composed of subject diagram,use case and interaction diagram,to explain the detail of the basic module.Some comparisons of the traditional software engineering and the OOA is proposed in addition.
Journal of Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology