节能降耗是钢铁生产的一个主要目标 .在钢铁生产流程中影响能耗的因素很多 ,且各因素之间的作用复杂 ,难于从整体角度对因素的作用进行合理估计 .层次分析法 (AHP)是一种实用的系统评价方法 ,本文利用改进过的层次分析方法来确定影响能耗的主次因素 。
Saving energy and reducing consumption is a major taget in producing iron and steel.There are many factors to have influence on the energy consumption in production and their effect is so compliacted that it is difficult to estimate them on the whole reasonably.The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a practical evaluation method.This paper uses this AHP method improved to determine major and minor factors affecting enengy consumption,and therefore it is benefit to saving energy.
Journal of Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology