党的三代领导核心对具有中国特色的社会主义道路进行了艰辛的探索 ,毛泽东正确对待社会主义历史和历史经验 ,创立了社会主义社会的矛盾学说 ,并开辟了一条与苏联有别的工业化道路 ,提出了为解放生产力、发展生产力 ,必须建立和完善社会主义制度的思想 ;邓小平在关于社会主义本质、党的基本路线、经济、政治体制改革及关于“三步走”的发展战略方面作出巨大贡献 ,产生历史性突破 ;江泽民丰富和发展了社会主义初级阶段理论、社会主义市场经济理论、政治体制改革的理论、社会主义发展战略理论及党建理论 .认真考察他们对社会主义道路探索的轨迹 。
The three generation leaders cores of the Party have done arduous efforts in exploring a socialist way with China characteristics.MAo Ze_dong,treating correctly history of socialism and its experiences,established the contradictory doctrine of socialism society,broke a way to industralization which was different from that of the Soviet Union,and put forward the thought that socialism system must be set up and improved in order to liberate and develop productive forces;DENG Xiao_ping made huge contribution and made a historic breakthrough on these aspects:the nature of socialism,the basic line of the Party,the innovation of economical and political system and the development strategy of 'Three Stages';JIANG Ze_min has enriched and developed the theorics of socialism elementary stage,socialism market economy,political system reform,socialism development strategy and the Party's construction.Studying seriously the traces along which they have explored a socialist way is very important for people to adhere to the socialist way with China characteristics.
Journal of Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology