中国油画艺术市场直到目前仍处于困境和尴尬之中 :真正在市场上获得“价格定位”的是极少数油画名家 ,大多数油画家及其作品仍处于“展览型”状态 ;消费群体未能培育出来 ,致使低俗油画大行其道 ,市场运作极不规范 ;国外买主的“口味”左右市场。建立正常的市场机制、普及油画艺术教育、政府扶持倡导等 ,是油画市场摆脱困境和尴尬的导向。
The Chinese oil painting art market is now in an awkward predicament. Only a few famous oil painters have achieved their‘fixed position of price'. Most of the oil painters and their works are just in the state of ‘exhibition'. Group consumers have not yet emerged so that the low and degrading oil paintings could run rampant. The market operation is in irregularity. The ‘taste' of foreign purchasers controls the market. To establish a regular market system,popularize the education of oil painting art and to obtain the support and initiation from the government is the leading guidance to cast off the awkward predicament of oil painting market.
Journal of Guangdong Education Institute