跳传是排球运动中一项重要技术,在排球比赛中运用跳传技术组织进攻有许多优点,熟练地掌握跳传技术对 比赛获胜具有重要作用,文中对跳传的移动取位、起跳和空中动作的要求、传球的时机、击球点和传球手型、击球部位 和用力方向、落地的技术等方面均从理论与实践结合上作了科学的剖析。
Jumping to pass' is an important skill in playing volleyball, and has a lot of advantages in its application in organizing an attack, thus mastering this skill would be quite significant in contest. The author objectively analyzes the movement, each step in completing it, the time opportunity, and the landing techniques, integrating the theory and practice perfectly.
Sports Science Research