近代法国 ,政府行为与史学研究的关系极为密切。频繁更迭的政府均怀着各自的目的而对史学研究投入了政治性资金甚至直接施加政治影响 ,并在档案、图书及文物的保护和编目等史学研究的相关领域也加强了政府政治行为的作用。但在近代法国较长的专制政权统治时期内 ,史学发展的主流一般与政府介入史学研究的政治意图相悖 ;在民主政权时期 ,二者也只是达到了某种程度上的默契。从整体上看 ,政府对史学领域的投资和所施加的政治影响并未如愿以偿 。
The study of history has been closely related to government conduct in modern France. The rapidly changing French regimes, out of their own motives, made political investments in, and even exerted direct political influence over, the study of history. They also stepped up political intervention in such related fields as the preservation and cataloguing of archives, books and cultural relics. However, in the long ruling period of despotic regimes in modern France the mainstream development of historical studies ran counter to the political intentions of the government. Even during the period of democratic government only a certain level of agreement occurred. As a whole, the governments investment in and political influence over historical research did not pay off, and the mainstream of historical studies was not brought into the orbit catering to the political needs of the government.
Historical Research