目的 :通过观察不同剂量CLT和FT对于垂体后叶素引起的急性心肌缺血大鼠心电图的影响 ,探讨其抗大鼠急性心肌缺血、保护心肌的作用。方法 :灌胃给药 7d ,尾静脉注射垂体后叶素 2次 ,并描记心电图。结果 :第 2次注射后 15min ,造模组和FT组ST -T的升高超过 1mV ,出现急性心肌缺血 ,并且心肌缺血阳性率升高 ;CLT小、大剂量组ST -T升高值明显降低 ,心肌缺血阳性率明显减少。结论 :CLT有预防和减轻大鼠急性心肌缺血的作用 。
Objective:The present study observed the effect of the different doses CLT and FT on the ECG of acute myocardial ischemia by injecting pituitrinum into tail vein in Wistar Rats. Methods: After feeding CLT and FT seven days, the rats were injected pituitrinum two times, leaded II of ECG. Results: The result revealed a significant increase of ST-T (exceed 1mV) and ischemic positive rate in 15 minutes after second injection in model group and FT group. However, it showed an obvious decrease of both two indexes in low and high dose CLT groups.Conclusion: The results indicated that CLT has the effects of preventing and treating myocardial ischemia induced by injecting pituituinum into tail vein. FT has no such the effects.
Journal of Physical Education