3劳特派特.《法律在国际社会中的职能》,1933年版,第418,255,255-256,102,419-420,64,100,319-320页(H. Lauterpacht , The Function of Law in the International Community).
5劳特派特.“对禁止宣称‘法律不明’的一些看法”,载H·劳特派特编辑.《汉斯·劳特派特国际法文集》第1卷,1978年版,第94页(H . Lauterpacht, "Some Observations on the Prohibition of' Non Liquet', in H. Lauterpacht ed .,International Law : Being the Collected Papers of Hersch Lauterpacht ).
6劳特派特.《国际法院对国际法的发展》,1958年版,第227页(H. Lauterpacht , The Development of International Lawby the International Court ).
7劳特派特.“所谓英美国际法学派思想和大陆国际法学派思想”,载《英国国际法年刊》1931年,第12卷,第61页(H.Lauterpacht,The So-Called Anglo- American and Continental Schools of Thoughts in International Law, British Year Book of International Law. ).
2H. Lauterpacht. The Grotian Tradition In International Law [J]. British Year Book of lnternational Law, 1946,23.
3James G.Apple.Leading Figures in International Law: Sir ttersch Lauterpacht (1897-1960),par.8[M].American Society of In- ternational Law and the International Judicial Academy, 2006,1(5).