The research on the history of the wom en in the west of the United States has traversed along the same track as the women’s studies in the past five decades.In the 1970s,influenced by the feminis t movement,the new social history,post-modernism and other academic t rends,researchers focussed their a ttention on the study of the“she historyand crowned it with quick success.In the 1980s,w hen the focus of women’s studies shited to the gender theory,the research on the history of the western women also wid ely adopted this analytic category,at the same time stressing the multi-culture historical background of the western women.Sin ce the 1990s,with the deepening of th eory and the enriching of historical materials,this research has,microscopically,emphasized the differences of the w estern women in ethnic origin,cultu re,class and occupation,and,macroscopically,emphasized the“history of both sexesin its entirely new sense;in other wo rds,this latter requires of people to re-evaluate the various women groups under a new historical criterion system and include women’s history in the history of the western region.This process will make the r ewriting of the western history an ab solutely necessary task.
Journal of Chinese Women's Studies