
英国近代海滨休闲城市初探 被引量:14

The Seaside Resorts in Modern Britain
摘要 Britain produced many manufacturing and mining towns,as well as brand\|new seaside resorts during the urbanization.The seaside resorts developed and acted as the social centers of up\|classes in the 18\+\{th\} century,but only did they reach their golden time when the middle and lower classes joined in the 19\+\{th\} century.The developing process of seaside resorts showed clear by the characteristics of timing and class.Their functions changed from being medical and social into enjoyment,which indicated the transformation of the tendency of seaside holiday from up\|class’ privileges to a mass entertainment.The development of seaside resorts also reflected the historical change from manufacturing industry to service ones. Britain produced many manufacturing and mining towns,as well as brand\|new seaside resorts during the urbanization.The seaside resorts developed and acted as the social centers of up\|classes in the 18\+\{th\} century,but only did they reach their golden time when the middle and lower classes joined in the 19\+\{th\} century.The developing process of seaside resorts showed clear by the characteristics of timing and class.Their functions changed from being medical and social into enjoyment,which indicated the transformation of the tendency of seaside holiday from up\|class' privileges to a mass entertainment.The development of seaside resorts also reflected the historical change from manufacturing industry to service ones.
作者 陆伟芳
机构地区 南京大学历史系
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第6期13-21,共9页 World History
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  • 1沃尔文.《1830-1950年的闲暇与社会》(James Walvin, Leisure and Society 1830-1950 ),朗曼出版社1978年版,第21页
  • 2厄立.《旅游聚焦:当代社会的闲暇与旅行》( John Urry, The Tourist Gaze : Leisure and Travel in Contemporary Societies ), 遂洁(SAGE)出版社1990年版,第26页
  • 3沃尔文.《1830-1950年的闲暇与社会》,第23页.
  • 4沃文尔.《1830-1950年的闲暇与社会》,第61页
  • 5沃顿.《英国海滨胜地:1750-1914年的社会史》(John K. Walton, The English Seaside Resort: A Social History 1750-1914),莱斯特大学出版社1983年版,第19页
  • 6坎宁.《工业革命中的闲暇:1780-1880年》(Hugh Cunningham, Leisure in the Industrial Revolution 1780-1880 ) ,克鲁汉姆出版社1980年版,第143页
  • 7沃尔文.《在海滨:大众海滨假日的社会史》(James Walvin, Beside the Seaside : A Social History of the Popular Seaside Holiday),伦敦阿伦兰出版社1978年版,第39页
  • 8吉尔伯特.《布赖顿:古海之珍玩》(Edmund W. Gilbert, Brighton:Old Ocean's Bauble),弗兰尔书店1975年版,第12页
  • 9沃顿.《英国海滨胜地:1750-1914年的社会史》,第24—25页
  • 10吉尔伯特.《布赖顿:古海之珍玩》,第2—3页











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