20世纪国际权势结构的剧烈变更孕育于 19世纪 ,特别是 19世纪后期 :从列强互相间大体势均力敌的状态中 ,浮现出国际权势结构的极化趋势 ,出现了 2 0世纪后期超级强国的雏型 ;另一方面 ,列强格局无论就其组成单位的具体身份 ,还是就它们的相对实力位置而言 ,都由于几个新兴强国的迅速崛起而发生急剧变化 ,原有的稳定不复存在。到 2 0世纪 ,尤其经过两次世界大战 。
The dramatic change of international structure of great powers rooted in the 19th century. In the first place, the polarity of structure of powers emerged in balance state of antagonization of powers gave rise of superpowers in late 20th century; in the second place, the pattern of powers in the19th century destroyed by some new powers, and so the balance were destroyed. In the 20th century, especially through two world wars, these trends or tendencies went extremes finally
Academia Bimestris