律师执业是有风险的,建立律师职业责任保险制度是现实的迫切需要。律师职业责任保险的内容涉及被保险人的确定、赔偿的条件、赔偿金额的限度、保险费率的设计、保险人的确定 等方面。我国律师职业责任保险应有步骤地进行,并需要有相应的法律保障。
There is a risk in the practicing of lawyers and actually, it is necessary that a lawyer's liability insurance system be established. The content of lawyer's li ability insurance deals with confirmation of the insurant, qualifications for th e compensation, limit of the compensatory damages, adjustment of the insurance r ate and confirmation of the insurants. In our country, lawyer's liability insura nce system should be carried out step by step in a planned way with the protecti on of relevant laws.
Hebei Law Science