在所有权保留中,标的物的真实权属状态与其外在表象不 相一致,极易使信赖占有的交易相对人利益受损,危害交易安全。本文从案例提问入手,以标的物所有人与善意受让物权的第三人之间的权利冲突及其平衡为中心,对所有权保留的相关制度进行研究。主张合理运用物权公示制度(登记对抗主义)与善意取得制度以弥补所有权保留欠缺公示性的缺陷,谋求当事人之间的利益平衡。
Ownership reservation is liable to harm the interes ts of those who have reliability in the occupation and bring harm to the transaction security for the rights of the objects are not consistent with the publicity. Beginning with a case and circling rights conflict between the owner of the object and athird party with good faith and its balance, the article deals with the relative systems in owne rship reservation and holds that the reasonable adoption of the system of ownership reservation registration and the system of Gutglaeubiger Erwerb can solve the defects arising from lack of publicity in ownership reservation and balance the interests between the clients.
Hebei Law Science