对计算机软件,单纯用某 个传统法律方式已难以做到全面保护,单靠《版权法》、《 商标法》、《专利法》、《反不正当竞争法》等法律调整手段对软件进行保护也日显薄弱和 不足,完善诸法,综合运用,才能对计算机软件进行全面有效的保护。
It is hard to make a comprehensive protection of software by way of cer tain traditional legal methods.Also,it appears increasingly insufficient to prot ect software only depending on legal adjustable measures,such as copyright law, trademark law,patent law,anti-unfair competition law,etc.To comprehensively and effectively protect software ,it is necessary to protect and make comprehensive use of different kinds of laws.
Hebei Law Science