随着中国加入世界贸易组织在即 ,对外交往的范围将进一步扩展 ,特别是与大多数人相关的民、商事关系将在数量、种类上大大增加 ,国际私法的适用亦必将越来越普遍。与此相对应 ,中国学术界对于国际私法的研究也面临更多的挑战 ,而关于调整对象和范围的问题则是其中最根本的一个。
China is about to accede to the World Trade Organization, the external contacts are getting more and more wide ,esp. The international civil economic touches will be more frequent .Corresponding with it, the application of private international law will be more common. In the academic circle of private international law, research work is facing to challenge. The problem of object and scope of private international law is one of the basic.
Journal of National Prosecutors College