随着我国改革开放和市场经济体制的建立 ,计划、财政、金融的宏观调控作用赋之新的内容。计划的主要特征由原来的指令性转变为指导性、战略性、改革性。财政金融手段在宏观调控中的作用明显增强。由于我国的特殊国情和所处的经济发展阶段决定了我国宏观调控体系应该以市场调节为基础 ,宏观指导计划为导向 ,综合运用计划、财政、货币政策并辅之以法律、行政手段的调节 ,发挥计划、财政。
With the establishment of the system in marketing economy and the open policy of reform,macroregulation in project and finance plays a new and important role.Chief nature in project changes from original mandatory planning into guidance,strategic or reformatory planning.The financial means with macroregulation increasingly becomes evident.Since the specific conditions in our country and the period of our economic development should be based on the marketing balance in macroregulating system,regulation must be guided by macroguidance planning,with the policy of project and finance,under the means of the law and the executive.Balance of the development of project and finance will be established.
Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)