《日录》是王安石在熙宁年间执政时私下记录的君臣奏对之语 ;在绍圣年间由蔡卞纳入史局用以重修《神宗实录》 ,从而得以流布于世 ,也成为新党“绍述”的重要凭据 ,对北宋后期政治影响甚大。宋徽宗即位不久 ,陈、杨时等对《日录》进行批判。他们的批判 ,对揭露蔡京一伙假绍述以行其私不无积极意义 ,同时也暴露了党争的面目。史家的李焘在《续资治通鉴长编》中大量征引《日录》进行补缺、考异 ,同时又完全赞同陈说法而大量征引。这就把《日录》推向了被审判的位子。南宋再次重修《神宗实录》 ,是站在元祐史官的立场上。元修《宋史》沿用重修的《日录》。
RILU is a private diary of the dialogues between the emperor SHEN ZONG and Wang Anshi during the Song Dynasty,reign of Xining when Wang Anshi himself was the prime minister. The diary was made known during the reign of Shaosheng when Cai Bian used it as an official document in the compilation of SHENZONG SHILU, and hence it became an important footing for the New Bloc to “defend” their policies, which greatly influenced the politics in the later period of the Northern Song Dynasty. Shortly after Huizong ascended the throne, Chen Guan and Yang Shi began to repudiate RILU. Their repudiation was not insignificant in disclosing how Cai Jing's bloc had profited itself by “defending” RILU; however, that had also betrayed their sectarianist feature. The historian Li Tao frequently cited RILU in his XU-ZIZHITONGJIAN CHANGBIAN for complementation and collation, but at the same time he took the standing of Chen Guan, bringing it to trial. In the Southern Song Dynasty, SHENZONG SHILU was recompiled from the viewpoint of Yuanyou (Old Bloc) historians, and it was adopted by YUANSHI; therefore, RILU had very limited influence on the official histories.
Journal of Historiography