
全球化潮流中的国家——关于国家在当今世界政治中的地位、权能和积极作用的系统论说 被引量:3

摘要 在当今全球化潮流中,国家仍然、并且将继续是世界政治或全球体系的主要角色。国家在同侵蚀其权势和权威的非国家行为体、特别是跨国行为体的关系中,总的来说仍占据显著上风。所以如此,是因为国家仍在国内、国际和全球生活的组织方面发挥非常重大、甚至首屈一指的积极作用。国家及其主权一般仍是为在其疆域内实现和维护人的安全和福利、造就或促成社会公正、表征和保持人首要的社会群体认同所必需;主权国家与其国际体系可以大体维持国际安全,并且进至实现经济、社会、生态环境等领域的国际合作与进步。当代技术力量、特别是信息技术力量在不少方面削弱了国家对其境内社会的控制,但与此同时国家完全可以、事实上也在利用这同一类技术加强自己,维持甚至增进其控制。当代世界存在三大类在有效权能和全球化适应能力方面不同的国家。总之,对全球化潮流中国家作用的削弱和加强必须有双重性的观察,形成辩证法所要求的精致理解。尤其需要抵御在西方(乃至一定程度上世界范围)相当流行的国家衰落、过时甚至有害论,为此必须认识其意识形态性质和思想方法弊端。
作者 时殷弘
出处 《国际政治研究》 2002年第3期95-103,共9页 The Journal of International Studies
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  • 1Georg Sorensen,“IR Theory after the Cold War”, in Tim Dunne et al. eds. , The Eighty Years Crisis : International Relations, 1919-1999 (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 92,pp. 92-93,p. 96.
  • 2“The Thing that Won't Go Away”, The Economist, July 31, 1999, para. 2, 3.
  • 3Frederic S. Pearson and J. Martin Rochester, International Relations, 4th edition (New York:McGraw-Hill, 1998), p. 589.
  • 4Shimon Peres,“Between Borders and Business”, New Perspective Quarterly, Spring 1998, para.11.
  • 5Pearson and Rochester,International Relations, 4th edition,p. 508-509,p.375.
  • 6Robert Gilpin,“The Politics of Transnational Economic Relations,”in Joseph S. Nye, Jr. and Robert O. Keohane eds. , Transnational Relations and World Politics (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1972).
  • 7Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), p. 272,p. 294.
  • 8Norman Lewis, “Globalization and the End of the Nation-State,”引自Pearson and Rochester, International Relations , 4th edition, p, 504.
  • 9时殷弘.全球性交往、互相依赖和非国家行为体[J].欧洲,2001,19(5):1-9. 被引量:19
  • 10K. J. Holsti, International Politics:A Framework for Analysis, 7th edition (Englewood Cliffs,N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1995), p. 65.


  • 1时殷弘.论世界政治中的正义问题[J].欧洲研究,1996,17(1):4-17. 被引量:26
  • 2John Lloyd, "Interview : Anthony Giddens,"New Statesman, January 10, 1997, para.11.
  • 3K.J. Holsti, International Politics : A Framework for Analysis, 7^th edition (Englewood Cliff,N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1995), P.9.
  • 4Robert Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,Power and Interdependence, quoted in Phil Williams,Donald M. Goldstein, and Jay M. Shafritz eds., Classic Readings of International Relations ( Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1994), P.75.
  • 5David Hale, " A Second Chance," The Economist, November 22, 1999, para. 4--6.
  • 6Frederic S. Pearson and J. Martin Rochester, International Relations, 4^th edition (New York:MeGrew-Hill, 1998), P.482.
  • 7David J. Rothkopf, " Cyberpolitik : The Changing Nature of Power in the Information Age,"Journal of International Affairs, March 1998, para.33--34.
  • 8Georg Sorensen, "IR Theory after the Cold War," in Tim Dunne, Michael Cox, and Ken Booth eds., The Eighty Years Crisis: International Relations,1919-1999 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1998), P.93.
  • 9"Measuring Globalization," Foreign Policy,January/February 2001, para. 5, 6, 9,para. 11.
  • 10Christopher Caldwell, "The Crescent and theTricolor," The Atlantic Monthly, November 2000, pp.20, 22.











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