

Integration of Shenzhen and Hong Kong:A new opportunity for PEs?
摘要 你经营着一家企业,每天操心的事情无数。搞定内部一切的同时,你必须对外界保持灵敏嗅觉,因为你的企业随时会受环境左右。 在北京市产权交易中心9月份主办的一次国有企业并购重组推介会上,天津一家民营公司——天狮集团有限公司副总裁焦文军对推介的20个产权并购转让项目都表现出了非同寻常的兴趣。像这位受老板之命而来的副总裁一样,在“国迟民进”这一被各地政府如火如荼推进的风潮之下,很少有民营企业能对这样的机会视而不见。就连目前还没有看出落实迹象的“开发东北”,也吸引了段永基等一拨中关村企业老板专程前去考察。 大到地区新政,小到行业放开,投资者们总要闻风而动,至少得思量一下可能有怎样的作为、需规避怎样的风险。大环境的变化,往往意味着打破已有平衡,产生新的缝隙。在学者眼中,这将导致经济要素的流动。而在投资者眼中,流动的正是他们要追逐的财富。“顺势而动”是做企业再简单不过的道理,但结果是“借势而起”还是空忙活一场,就看各自的功力了。 已经热炒了数月的“深港一体化”,就是这样一个还处于不确定之中的机会。 Imagine you are running a firm, the things you have to care about everyday would be numerous. As you make the inside in order, you also have to keep sensitive to the outside world, because risk or opportunity for your firm often comes from business environment. At a conference biding for the state - owned-enterprises (SOEs) on sale at Beijing in September, Jiao Wenjun came far away from Tianjin and showed extraordinary interests in allthe SOEs. He is the vice-president of Tianshi Group, a private firm in Tianjin. As the vice-president did, many other execu- tives of private enterprises(PEs) now try to take advantage of such opportunities generated by the drive "retreat of SOEs, Advance of PEs" promoted by local governments everywhere. Whenever there is a change in business environment, from such changes as an important new policy adopted by a local government to loosenign control of an industry, investors should act without delay upon hearing the news. At least they shou1d turn it over in their mi nds what they could do and what risks they should avoid. A change in environment often means a break of the existent balance or a new crack. In the eyes of an economist it would result in a flow of factors, while investors should try to find opportunity in the flow to make fortunes. "The integration of Shenzhen and Hong Kong," a topic much said in the press, is such a situation with opportunity and uncertainty.
出处 《IT经理世界》 2003年第20期70-74,共5页
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