June 25 was the day for the Wenzhou
Clothing Chamber of Commerce to elect a
new head. It was so competitive that it
looked as if Americans to elect a president,
said Huang Xusheng, a manager in charge
of the administrative office in Meters/bonwe
(a famous leisure clothes brand) and a
witness to the whole process of election.
The elected was still Chen Min, Chairman
of Judger, a famous Wenzhou suit producer.
On July 25, EU withdrew from the
'anti-dumping' accusation against Chi-
nese metal-outer-cased lighters. The law-
suit cost the Chinese manufacturers about
RMB2 millions, which had all been col-
lected by the 16 firms under the leader-
ship of Wenzhou Chamber of Smoking
Instrument Manufacturers. Before, only
big firms manufacturing big products
responded to such international anti-
dumping accusations. Small private firms
doing small ones even dare not dream
that.This victory cannot be separated
from the efforts of the chamber. Under
the leadership of the chamber, small firms
in Wenzhou unite as one.
Now a big action is under discus-
sion in Wenzhou: 8 lock manufacturers
have decided to organize a 'Qiangqiang
Group' as a 'carrier', in Chinese lock
industry to confront the more and more
severe competition. The heads of the
chambers of other industries in Wenzhou
have also gathered to discuss whether the
model can be copied in their own indus-
tries or not.