金融产业始终是不完全竞争产业 ,同时又具有高社会风险的特征。加入 WTO以后 ,金融领域的竞争会空前加剧 ,而金融产业特殊的高社会风险性又决定了国有商业银行必须在金融领域占据主体地位 ,以便国家能够有效控制社会风险。这就要求国有商业银行在新的开放格局中重塑竞争优势 ,同时 。
The finance sector is characterized by insufficient competition and a high social risk. The competition would become unprecedentedly intense after China's entry into the WTO. Meanwhile, the particular high social risk of the finance sector determines that state owned banks take up the dominant position in the finance sector so that government could control social risk effectively. Hence it is necessary to reshape competitive preponderance of state owned banks in the new open layout as well as to encourage further development of non state owned economy in the finance sector.