江泽民“七一”讲话 ,对中国共产党处于和平与发展的时代背景下和社会主义初级阶段的历史方位给予了科学的界定。提出了解决提高党的执政能力和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险的能力这两大历史性课题。勾勒了新的伟大工程的系统蓝图———坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论在全党的指导地位 ,并在实践中不断丰富和发展 ,始终以“三个代表”来要求党 ;从新的实际出发 ,以改革精神研究和解决党的建设面临的重大理论和现实问题。
In the speech of 'July 1',Jiang Ze-min Scientifically definited the history direction of the CCP at the Socialism elementary Stage.The Two historic Subject was said,One is to raise the governing ability and leader level,other is to strengthen the ability of preventing from corrupt and resisting risk.Drawing up the system blue print--upholding the guiding standing of Marxism-Leninism?MaoZe-dong thought?Deng Xiao-ping theory and Richening and developing them in practice.Consistently demanding the Party with 'the three representatives'. According to the new situation,Research and Resolve the significant theory and the reality by reformation spirit.
Journal of the Party School of Harbin Committee of CPC