以“- ism”构成的新词渗透到社会科学和自然科学两大领域的方方面面。本文从“- ism”的新义——“歧视”谈起 ,涉及到“- ism”从不同层面映射出来的时代特征和民族的社会文化意义。因此 ,各种语境要求不同的翻译。从另一个角度看 ,“- ism”构成的大量词语 ,也为汉译英提供了简炼新颖、生动活泼和丰富多彩的语料。
New words with English suffix “ ism” have been penetrating into the fields of social and natural sciences, with different semantic meanings in different contexts. One of the new meanings of “ ism” is “discrimination”. Other new meanings are also reflecting the characteristics of the times and the national, social cultural meanings. Hence, the translation of English to Chinese of these new words with suffix “ ism” in variable fields calls for relevantly flexible versions. At the same time, these new words with simplicity, novelty and colorfulness are available for the options in the translation of Chinese to English.
Shanghai Journal of Translators for Science and Technology